List With Me... LIVE, Traveler's Notebook Style 6.3.23

Back in town from our whirlwind trip celebrating our 28th anniversary... and that means we're listing again on Saturday - hooray!

It’s time for our regularly(ish!) scheduled List With Me… LIVE creative listing session on YouTube! 📝 

If you're not familiar with the Intro to Traveler's Notebook class series I've done, click here for the skinny.   

Join me on Saturday while we work LIVE together to create several different themed lists. 

What:  List With Me, LIVE!

When:  Saturday, June 3rd at 9:00 am pacific time


Why:  Join me as we put together three lists with the following topics

    1. About Last Month - this is an 'on repeat' list that we usually do the 1st Saturday of a new month.  Learn more about it here.  I'll be using my About Last Month 2023 stamp set for this list.
    2. House Rules - what are some of the 'house rules' in your house?  One of ours... no phones at the dinner table :)
    3. Focus - an update on the Focus List we did at the start of the year.    Every month or so I'll be doing a list using my List Builder - Focus stamp set on how I'm doing in one of the areas I set out to focus on this year.  Call it accountability!  ;)  We're just about half way through the year, so I'll be doing an update on the 5 items I set out to focus on.
Click here to see & shop some of the products I'll be using during the session!

You can either create your lists with me during the LIVE or sit back & watch; if you are listing with me during the video, recommended supplies to have ready to work with include:

  • Something to write on... a Traveler's Notebook Insert - a composition notebook, spiral notebook, even a piecer of paper, will work as well!
  • Something to write with... pen, pencil, marker, colored pencil, etc
  • Something to decorate with... washi tape, decorative stickers, die cuts, stamps - whatever you have on hand will do!  You can even doodle!

Hope you can join in the fun!

Looking for listing ideas & inspiration?  Click here for the Listing With Layle Idea Book!

***Click here for flip through videos of some of my creative listing traveler's notebooks

***Click here to download the complete list of 2022 listing topics 

***Click here to download the complete list of 2021 listing topics

***Click here to download the complete list of 2020 listing topics

Find the playlist of all the past listing video sessions here :)