What I Love About the Lake List

Did you catch yesterday’s post? Here’s one for all you lake people 💦👍

Beach 🏖 or lake 🛶… which one are you?

Things I 💚 about the lake = another one of the topics from our Saturday live listing session this weekend. 📝

Me? I’m an equal opportunity beach AND lake lover! ⚖️ Managed to squeeze trips to both in this summer, so lists with pics from our trips were in order 😀

If you answered beach, check out this list :)

The Fancy Pants new Lake Life collection was perfect for my list! 🛶🌲💦 🦅

Denali | XL = more alpha stamps from Kerri Bradford ❤️

Are you a lake lover?  What's on your list?  Have you documented it? ;)

Products Used:
Epson PictureMate PM-400 Printer

Lake Life  - 6x8 Pad & Die Cut Ephemera  
Amy Tangerine Journal Studio Washi
Quotations Wordstrip Stickers
Kerri Bradford Denali Stamps

Find details for this List With Me... LIVE session here :)