Howdy Friends!!
Howdy friends! I did a re-intro post recently on social media and thought it would be fun to share here on my blog as well...
!I’m Layle, like ‘Gayle with an L'. And because of that, frequently also known as Gayle 😂 And sometimes also known as Sue, because it’s much easier to pronounce & not have butchered when they’re writing your name on the cup & then calling your name at Starbucks 🤣
My hubby & I have a big milestone coming up next year... our 25th anniversary! We have 2 boys - 22 & 19 - one in culinary school out of state & the other a brand new freshman in college a few hours away. Have to say, as much as we 💕 them, we’re having a ball with our newfound status as parents of free range children aka empty nesters 😀
8 months ago I did a BIG THING - I turned my side hustle into a full time hustle & quit my job to focus 💯 on my Layle By Mail 📬 business, creating crafty project kits, complete with ‘how to’ instructions, & mailing them all over the world and traveling and teaching to go along with it. It’s a thing that keeps my love for pretty paper and stickers going strong. Because.... Mrs. Grossmans. Going all the way back to when I was 10 😂
I like to think I have a pretty sarcastic, dry sense of humor. I hate the cold.
I ❤️ telling stories; next time I see you ask me to explain what a ‘Layler’ is 😉
If we’ve met, you know I have a hard time sitting still.
I consider myself ‘whole brained’ - I’m pretty creative but my mind thinks in spreadsheets; I 💚 Excel!!
I love music.
I hate having my photo taken, (just ask @vickiboutin who successfully got this picture after 3,812 tries, but she hung in there with me because... Layle By Mail 📬!).
I love crossing things off my to do list
I hate peas.
I ❤️ a good sale.
I hate mean people.
I use way too many exclamation points and definitely overuse the word ‘fun’.
Back to the Layler thing - you’ve just experienced one; my stories go on & on & on, just like this post 😂
Anyhoo.... nice to meet you, it’s been FUN!!!!!! 🤣