December Daily - Day 5

December Daily - Day 5

Each day here on my blog I'll be sharing my foundation pages (the base page I had ready to go before the month, using my 2022 December Documented Mini Book Project Kit) and the finished pages along with the supplies I used.  

Day 5 - a photo of our living room.


I love the feeling I get when I see our family room this time of year.  Creams and greens, so soothing, especially with a dusting of snow outside and the snow covered mountains peeking through the clouds.

I created a large shaker page using a pocket page that sits on top of the photo.

I took gold string and unwound it into lots of tiny strands and then put them into the pocket page.  They look like tinsel and a mix of those tiny Christmas lights :)

I used the Fuse to seal the pocket closed.

The journaling is on the back side of the star; I traced it onto a piece of white grid paper and cut it out.  The felt star is adhered to the pocket page & the white grid star is adhere to the other side of the pocket page - kind of like a pocket page sandwich!

Here's the Day 5 foundation page.  

Supplies Used - Day 5

Epson XP15000 printer (wide format printer)
8.5x11 Photo Paper
Hearth & Holiday Binder
6x8 Pocket Page
Felt Star
Mittens & Mistletoe 6x12 Stickers
White Grid Patterned Paper
Acrylic Number - Colorcast Designs
Gold String

I'm using my 2022 December Daily Mini Book Project Kit as a base for my project; find that here.

Watch this video flip through of the first 5 completed days, close up!  

I put together a playlist of my last 6 year's of December Daily flip through videos - click here to take a peek!

New to the December Daily concept?  Read more about it here!